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mobile dog groomer middleton heywood oldham moston tameside manchester


HEALTH:   The dog(s) is/are fit and healthy. Grooming of sick or elderly dogs is entirely at owner’s risk. Grooming may expose underlying skin or health problems that we cannot be held liable for. The dog(s) is/are up to date with their vaccinations. An unvaccinated dog(s) puts itself and owners at risk. If you wish to have your unvaccinated dog(s) groomed, we cannot be liable for any illness contracted by your dog(s) as a result of them not being vaccinated.

PAYMENTS:  Payments will be made at the end of the groom. Estimates are based on an average dog of the breed or type, but owners must remember that some dogs will require extensive extra work and this will be charged for

BOOKINGS: at the time of booking you will be offered a date an APPROXIMATE time, this is due to the nature of the business when working with animals and travel as both can be unpredictable. Please allow upto 60mins either side of the appointment time, where possible I will try to communicate with you if safe to do so and inform you if there will be any further delays and if the appointment is able to continue or not.

DE-MATTING POLICY:  Pets with matted coats need extra attention during their grooming session. Mats left in a pets coat only grow tighter and can strangle the pets skin or eventually tear it open. Mats can be very difficult to remove and may require your pets to be shaved. When necessary removing  a heavily matted coat includes risks of nicks, cuts or abrasions due to warts, moles or skin folds trapped in the mats. Heavy matting can also trap moisture and urine near the pets skin allowing mold, fungus or bacteria to grow causing skin irritations that existed prior to the grooming process. After effects of matting removal procedures can include itchiness, skin redness, self inflicted irritations or abrasions and failure of the hair to regrow. Complete shaving of the dogs will only be carried out if the dog is extensively matted. This will dramatically change their appearance and will be very short and close to the skin. These may expose pre-existing skin conditions. We at Beauty in the beast cannot be held liable for this conditons or injuries. Our normal grooming charge does not include de-matting there will be a additional charge of £5-£10 depending on severity to de-mat your dog (s). Please note we groom humanly and if we feel your dog(s) is/are in pain, they will be shaved off. 



DANGEROUS/AGGRESSIVE/NERVOUS DOGS:  please tell us about your dog(s) behaviour at previous grooming establishments. By telling us, we are better prepared in dealing with your dog(s). Please inform us if the Dog(s) bite, has ever bitten and/or has ever been aggressive to people, other animals and/or becomes and/or has ever become aggressive during part or all the grooming process. We reserve the right to refuse or stop services at any time before or during the groom and to charge the client the quoted price in full due to welfare and saftey reasons 

CANCELLATION POLICY:   if you are unable to attend your appointment, please inform us AT LEAST 48 HOURS before your appointment time so we have the chance to offer the appointment to someone else. Time is reserved to groom your dog(s) so if you fail to inform us you are no longer able to make your appointment then you will incur a cancellation fee of 50% payable before further appointments can be booked.


ACCIDENTS:   Grooming equipment is sharp and whilst extreme caution and care is used there is always the possibility that an accident may occur. Possible injuries can include but are not limited to cuts, nicks, scratches and quicking of the nails. In most cases this can happen due to excessive movement by a dog during the grooming process. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the Dog(s) is/are groomed as safely as possible if the Dog(s) do/does not accept the process BITB reserve the right to cease grooming at any time. In this event the Client agrees to pay the charges quoted in full.


As a part of Data Protection Act (GDPR) it is necessary for us to inform you of the information we keep about you and your pet, how it is used and stored and to receive permission for specific information to be stored and used.

the following information is stored in online format:


  • details you have given to us about you: your name, your address, your phone number(s) and e-mail address 

  • details you have given to us about your dog: name, breed, coat type, gender etc.

  • details of what we have done to your dog - blades, combs used, where we have scissored, nails trimmed, date of the visits etc.

  • Any likes or dislikes of your dog e.g sensitive feet, like treats etc.

  • dog`s grooming temperament - good, nervous, hard, biter etc

  • any medical problems (lumps, bumps, warts, heart murmur etc.)

Online format is protected by password. 

If you move you are welcome to take these details with you to give it to your new groomer 

Any non-returning customer information will be deleted after 1 year.

Our website:

You can browse and visit our website without providing your name and contact details. Like many websites, our server logs capture details of your operating system and browser software, IP address, URL, including the date and time of your visit. We use cookies to analyse how our site is used by visitors. If you do not wish cookies to be saved to your system, you may change your browser settings.

You might choose to provide your contact details if you do any of these things:

  • Sign up to a mailing list

  • Submit a query

  • Create an account for booking

We may use your personal information in the following way:

  • to respond enquiries

  • to keep you informed about our services and innovations, trends, how to maintain your pet`s coat and health and pet related events

  • to send appointment reminders, new appointment confirmation, cancellation, rebook reminder, agreements via email or/and text, 

  • to send vouchers and promotions

  • to ask you for reviewing us

  • for market research purpose

  • for record keeping purpose

  • to deal with enquiries and compaints

  • to contact you in connection with your dogs appointment, cancellations or rescheduling 

Beauty in the beast DOES NOT share any customer data or information with any third parties for marketing purpose.

T&C: About
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